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Home > IT Support Center > Canvas > Canvas Help > Canvas: Grading Instructions for Faculty
Canvas: Grading Instructions for Faculty
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At the end of each term/course, total grades calculated in Canvas can be synced into PeopleSoft. Once the grades are in PeopleSoft, the instructor MUST Approve and Save them there, and submit Last Date of Attendance information for failing grades.

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Please consider the following before you sync your grades:

  • Have you set your Grading Scheme for the course? Setting the grading scheme is a prerequisite to syncing your grades to PeopleSoft. Otherwise, you will get an error. If you have not enabled your grading scheme please follow this tutorial “How to set my Grading Scheme in Canvas” before moving to step 4.
  • Are all Total grades in Canvas accurate? Double-check the Total grades before you start syncing grades to PeopleSoft. (Reminder, by default Canvas shows the student's total grade & not the final grade. The total grade is the score that is calculated for all graded activities. It does not include any assignments, quizzes, etc. that have not yet been submitted or graded.) How to change grade view to show the total grade with “ungraded as zeros”.
  • Grade sync is unidirectional. Grades can only be sent from Canvas to PeopleSoft while the Canvas Course is open and the PeopleSoft Grade Roster has not yet been approved/finalized.
  • Email notification. After syncing grades, an email will be sent to every “teacher” in the course, letting them know whether the grades were synced successfully or there were errors encountered.


If you have any questions about the Canvas portion of grading, please email [email protected].

Syncing Grades from Canvas into PeopleSoft

Step 1 - Log In to Canvas:

Log in to Canvas at

Step 2 - Select Course:

Select the course you want to sync grades from the Canvas Dashboard.mceclip2.png

Step 3 - Go to Settings:

Select “Settings” from the left-hand course navigation menu.mceclip6.png

Step 4 - Select Grade Syncing:

Once in the Settings,

select “Grade Syncing”.mceclip7.png

Step 5 - Sync Grades:

Select the “Sync Grades to SIS” button and confirm you are ready to sync your grades to PeopleSoft by pressing “OK” on the dialog box that pops up.

mceclip8.png mceclip9.png

Canvas steps completed - proceed on to the PeopleSoft steps (REQUIRED!).



Grades sent to PeopleSoft via the Canvas sync MUST be Approved here. All failing grades entered also need Last Date of Attendance information entered. You can also enter grades directly into PeopleSoft. All these steps are noted here:

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