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Home > IT Support Center > Canvas > Canvas Help > Canvas: Faculty Guide - How to set office hours in Canvas
Canvas: Faculty Guide - How to set office hours in Canvas
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There are three primary ways for faculty to set up and communicate office hours in Canvas.

First, faculty can use the Announcements tool to inform students about office hours. Be sure to specify the date, time, and method of contact you’ll be using (e.g., Zoom, Google Meet, phone, etc.).

Second, faculty can use the Pages tool to provide information to students about office hours. Again, make sure to include the date, time, and method of contact you’ll be using (e.g., Zoom, Google Meet, phone, etc.).

Third, faculty can use the Scheduler tool in the Course Calendar to create blocks of time for students to sign up for appointments. Once a student has reserved a time slot, the appointment details will appear on the Calendar feed for both the faculty and students. You can set up one office hour scheduler for all your classes or for each class separately. Please note that the Scheduler does not allow for reoccurring events, meaning faculty will need to set this up for each office hour block.

Instructions for using the Scheduler tool:

  1. Click on the "Calendar" button within the Global Navigation.
  2. Click on the "+" button in the top right corner.

  3. In the box that pops up, click on the "Appointment Group" tab.
  4. Name of your office hours.
  5. Set a location
  6. Select one or more class calendars for this office hour to be available.
  7. Set the date and time for the appointment. If you would like to different date and time ranges, you will need to pick each date and time as there is no reoccurring option.
  8. You can select how to divide the hours chosen. You will be able to view all the slots once you click “Go” and will have the option to delete some of these increments if necessary.
  9. Optional settings include limiting the amount of participants per slot, allowing students to see who has signed up for each time slot, and limiting the amount of slots per participant.
  10. Enter optional details about the office hours.
  11. Click "Publish" to make it visible to students.
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