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Adding a Printer: Windows
print icon

If you are using an APU-issued Windows Device, you will be able to connect to University Printers on Campus! Please note that Personal Devices are UNABLE to connect to University Printers.


1. Click on the Windows Logo in the bottom left hand corner of your screen


2. Type "\\" without the quotations and hit enter on your keyboard

  • Even if you do not see a search bar, once you start typing it should bring up the search bar


3. Select the Printer that you would like to connect to, and right click on it.

  • The name of the Printer is located on the Physical Printer


4. Click "Connect" and the Printer should start installing to your Device


5. Once it finishes loading, you should be able to start using the Printer! Make sure that you are selecting the correct Printer when you go to print a document.


If there are any issues, please screenshot the error and email it to [email protected].


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